Experienced Listening Skills Course Requirements
Must be able to handle a bell competently in an unfamiliar tower and ring rounds and call changes without assistance. Those who are able to ring plain hunt / bob doubles confidently will probably gain the most as we can focus on changing positions at both back and handstroke as well as dodging & leading.
Foundation Listening Skills Course Requirements
Must be able to handle a bell competently and ring rounds without assistance. Can you hear your bell when ringing in rounds? Do you know when your bell will sound when you pull on the rope? Do you know how to adjust where your bell is ringing in the rounds? Can you work out which bell is in the wrong place – are you too close or is the bell following you too wide?
If you need help with any of these questions then this course is for you. We will be ringing only 3 or 4 bells to start with until you can really hear your bell striking.
What the students say
“A course, well run by Tim and Sas I felt that all learners were well supported by the skilled team of ringers assisting. I went with the aim of becoming more aware of the sound of each bell when I ring and the adjustments necessary to keep in rhythm with the band. All these points were covered and we had plenty of opportunity to ring and attempt to put our learning into practice.It highlighted just how much I have to date relied on visual clues and counting. Some suggestions of exercises that could be used in our home towers to help develop our listening skills were discussed and tried out. I also learnt that I need to do a lot more work on the back bell’s to be more able and confident in timing.
An enjoyable and ear opening morning. Thank you to all concerned with organising this for us and for the luxury of refreshments.“
“Tim made us make the connection between pulling the Sally and knowing when the bell would ring. I found this a useful reminder. He also was good at identifying everyone‘a strengths and weaknesses so he focussed his teaching in such a way that we all worked on individual issues and came away feeling we had made good progress.“
“Thank you Sue and Debbie, for your beneficial teaching at this morning’s Listening Course. Also for the many gems of wisdom passed along from all the supportive ringers. The course gave me understanding in how to hear my own wayward Bell handling. Now to put such knowledge into a much improved stricking rhythm. Again, thanks to all.” Sylvia